Probability & Statistics Syllabus

Subject Code:54001 L:3 T/P/D:1 Credits:3 Int. Marks:25 Ext. Marks:75 Total Marks:100
UNIT I: Probability
Sample space and events – Probability – The axioms of probability – Some Elementary theorems - Conditional probability – Baye’s theorem, Random variables – Discrete and continuous.
UNIT II: Distributions
Binomial , Poisson & normal distributions related properties . Sampling distributions –Sampling distribution of means ( known and Unknown)
UNIT III: Testing of Hypothesis I
Tests of hypothesis point estimations – interval estimations Bayesian estimation. Large samples, Null hypothesis – Alternate hypothesis type I, & type II errors – critical region confidential interval for mean testing of single variance. Difference between the mean.
UNIT IV: Testing of Hypothesis II
Confidential interval for the proportions. Tests of hypothesis for the proportions single and difference between the proportions.
UNIT V: Small samples
Confidence interval for the t- distribution – Tests of hypothesis – t- distributions, F- distributions distribution. Test of Hypothesis –.
UNIT VI: Correlation & Regression
Coefficient of correlation – Regression Coefficient – The lines of regression – The rank correlation
UNIT VII: Queuing Theory
Arrival Theorem - Pure Birth process and Death Process M/M/1 Model .
UNIT VIII: Stochastic processes
Introduction to Stochastic Processes – Markov process classification of states – Examples of Markov Chains, Stochastic Matrix, limiting probabilities.
1. Probability & Statistics by D.K. Murugesan & P.Guru Swamy, Anuradha Publications
2. Probability & Statistics for Engineers by G.S.S.Bhisma Rao, Scitech Publications.
1. Probability & Statistics by T.K.V.Iyengar & B.Krishna Gandhi & Others, S.Chand.
2. Probability & Statistics by William Mendenhall & Others, Cengage Publications.
3. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S. Grewal, Khanna Publications.
4. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Jain & S.K.R. Iyengar, Narasa Publications.