Subject Code:55608 L:0 T/P/D:3 Credits:2 Int. Marks:25 Ext. Marks:50 Total Marks:75
List of Experiments:
1. Write and execute an Assembly language Program (ALP) to 8086 processor to add, subtract and multi
2. Write and execute an Assembly language Program (ALP) to 8086 processor to divide a 32 bit unsigne
3. Write and execute an Assembly language Program (ALP) to 8086 processor to sort the given array of
4. Write and execute an Assembly language Program (ALP) to 8086 processor to pick the median from th
5. Write and execute an Assembly language Program (ALP) to 8086 processor to find the length of a g
6. Write and execute an Assembly language Program (ALP) to 8086 processor to reverse the given strin
7. Write and execute an Assembly language Program (ALP) to 8086 processor to verify the password.
8. Write and execute an Assembly language Program (ALP) to 8086 processor to insert or delete a char
9. Write and execute an Assembly language Program (ALP) to 8086 processor to call a delay subroutine and display the character on the LED display.
10. Interface a keypad to 8086 microprocessor and display the key number pressed on the 7- segment display which is also interfaced to 8086.
11. Write an interrupt service routine to 8086 whenever there is an interrupt request on interrupt pin, which displays "hello" on a LCD.
12. Interface an 8086 microprocessor trainer kit to PC and establish a communication between them through RS 232.
13.Interface DMA controller to 8086 and transfer bulk data from memory to I/O device.
14.Interface a stepper motor to 8086 and operate it in clockwise and anti-clock wise by choosing variable step-size.
15Interface an 8 bit ADC to 8086 and generate digital output and store it in memory for the given square/ ramp/ triangle wave form inputs.
16. Interface an ADC to 8086 and generate step, ramp, triangle and square waveforms with different periods.