IC Applications Lab Syllabus

Subject Code:55607 L:0 T/P/D:3 Credits:2 Int. Marks:25 Ext. Marks:50 Total Marks:75

List of Experiments:

1. Adder, Subtractor, Comparator using IC 741 Op-Amp.

2. Integrator and Differentiator using IC741 Op-Amp.

3. Active Low Pass & High Pass Butterworth (second Order).

4. RC Phase Shift and Wien Bridge Oscillators using IC 741 Op-Amp.

5. IC 555 timer in Monostable operation.

6. Schmitt trigger circuits using IC 741 & IC 555.

7. IC 565 -PLL applications

8. Voltage regulator IC 723, three terminal voltage regulators- 7805,7809,7912.

9. Sample and Hold LF 398 IC.

10. D Flip -Flop (74LS74) and JK Master-Slave Flip-Flop (74 LS73}.

11. Decade counter (74LS90) and UP-Down Counter (74 LS192).

12. Universal Shift registers- 74LS194/ 195.

13. 3-8 decoder- 74LS138.

14. 4bit comparator 74LS85.

15. 8X1 Multiplexer-74151 and 2X4 demultiplexer-74155.

16. RAM (16X4) - 74189 (read and write operations).

17. Stack and queue implementation using RAM, 74189