Subject Code:53616 L:0 T/P/D:3 Credits:2 Int. Marks:25 Ext. Marks:50 Total Marks:75
List of Experiments:
1. Serial and Parallel Resonance – Timing, Resonant frequency, Bandwidth and
2. Time response of first order RC/RL network for periodic non-sinusoidal inputs – time constant a
3. Two port network parameters – Z-Y Parameters, chain matrix and analytical verification.
4. Verification of Superposition and Reciprocity theorems.
5. Verification of maximum power transfer theorem. Verification on DC, verification on AC with Resis
6. Experimental determination of Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent circuits and verification by
7. Magnetization characteristics of D.C. Shunt generator. Determination of critical field resistance
8. Swinburne’s Test on DC shunt machine (Predetermination of efficiency of a given DC Shunt machin
9. Brake test on DC shunt motor. Determination of performance Characteristics.
10. OC & SC tests on Single-phase transformer (Predetermination of efficiency and regulation at given power factors and determination of equivalent circuit).
11. Brake test on 3-phase Induction motor (performance characteristics).
12. Regulation of alternator by synchronous impedance method
1. Identification, Specifications and Testing of R, L, C Components (colour codes), Potentiometers, Switches (SPDT, DPDT and DIP), Coils, Gang Condensers, Relays, Bread Boards. Identification and Specifications of active devices, Diodes, BJTs, Lowpower JFETs, MOSFETs, LEDs, LCDs, SCR, UJT, Linear and Digital ICs.
2. PN Junction Diode Characteristics (Forward bias, Reverse bias)
3. Zener Diode Characteristics
4. Transistor CE Characteristics (Input and Output)
5. Rectifier without Filters (Full wave & Half wave)
6. Rectifier with Filters (Full wave & half wave)
7. SCR Characteristics
8. FET Characteristics
9. CE and CC Amplifier
10. Feedback Amplifier (Voltage Series/Current series)
11. RC Phase Shift Oscillator
12. Hartely/Colpitts Oscillator