Subject Code:53607 L:0 T/P/D:3 Credits:2 Int. Marks:25 Ext. Marks:50 Total Marks:75
List of Experiments:
1) Generation of sum of sinusoidal signals of frequencies different frequencies
2) Generate a unit impulse, delayed impulse by 5 units, unit step, and delayed step by 5 units
3) (a) Generate a square waveform of 3V P-P and 100Hz frequencyc
(b) Generate a saw tooth wave
4) Find the impulse response of the given system y(n)= 2.2x(n)+2.4x(n-1)-2.2x(n-2)+0.4y(n-1)-0.75y(
5) Find the convolution of two given sequences
6) Find the output of given system for the given input x = [1 2 3 4 5]
y(n)= 2.2x(n)+2.4x(n
7) Find the DFT of given sequence
8) Find autocorrelation and PSD of given sequence
9) Generation of the ensemble average
10) Generation of complex exponential sequence
11) Signal Smoothing by a Moving-Average Filter
12) Program for continuous sin wave
13) Program for Fourier transform on periodic signals
14) Program for the frequency response of the 1st order system
15) Program for a given equation
16) Program for impulse response
17) Program for Notch filter at 50Hz noise
18) Program for building a square wave “Gibbs Effect”
19) Stability test based on the sum of the abs values of the impulse response
20) Sampling process in time domain
21) Program for a given equation
22) Find the 5-point DFT of x(n) = { 1,0,0,0,0}
23) Design of Analog Low pass filter
24) Program to compute the response of an IIR digital filter