Subject Code:54008 L:3 T/P/D:1 Credits:3 Int. Marks:25 Ext. Marks:75 Total Marks:100
UNIT I: Thermal Power Stations
Line diagram of Thermal Power Station (TPS) showing paths of coal, steam, water, air, ash and flue gasses.- Brief description of TPS components: Economizers, Boilers, Super heaters, Turbines, Condensers, Chimney and Cooling towers.
UNIT II: Gas and Nuclear Power Stations
Nuclear Power Stations: Nuclear Fission and Chain reaction.- Nuclear fuels.- Principle of operation of Nuclear reactor.-Reactor Components: Moderators, Control rods, Reflectors and Coolants.- Radiation hazards: Shielding and Safety precautions.- Types of Nuclear reactors and brief description of PWR, BWR and FBR. Gas Power Stations: Principle of Operation and Components ( Block Diagram Approach Only)
UNIT III: General Aspects of Distribution Systems and D.C. Distribution Systems
Classification of Distribution Systems - Comparison of DC vs AC and Under-Ground vs Over - Head Distribution Systems- Requirements and Design features of Distribution Systems- Voltage Drop Calculations (Numerical Problems) in D.C Distributors for the following cases: Radial D.C Distributor fed one end and at the both the ends (equal/unequal Voltages) and Ring Main Distributor.
UNIT IV: A.C. Distribution Systems.
Voltage Drop Calculations (Numerical Problems) in A.C. Distributors for the following cases: Power Factors referred to receiving end voltage and with respect to respective load voltages.
UNIT V: Substations.
Classification of substations: Air insulated substations - Indoor & Outdoor substations: Substations layout showing the location of all the substation equipment. Bus bar arrangements in the Sub-Stations: Simple arrangements like single bus bar, sectionalized single bus bar, main and transfer bus bar system with relevant diagrams. Gas insulated substations (GIS) – Advantages of Gas insulated substations, different types of gas insulated substations, single line diagram of gas insulated substations, bus bar, construction aspects of GIS, Installation and maintenance of GIS, Comparison of Air insulated substations and Gas insulated substations
UNIT VI: Power factor and Voltage Control
Causes of low p.f -Methods of Improving p.f -Phase advancing and generation of reactive KVAR using static Capacitors-Most economical p.f. for constant KW load and constant KVA type loads, Numerical Problems. Dependency of Voltage on Reactive Power flow.- Methods of Voltage Control: Shunt Capacitors, Series Capacitors, Synchronous Capacitors, Tap changing and Booster Transformers
UNIT VII: Economic Aspects of Power Generation
Load curve, load duration and integrated load duration curves-load, demand, diversity, capacity, utilization and plant use factors- Numerical Problems.
UNIT VIII: Tariff Methods
Costs of Generation and their division into Fixed, Semi-fixed and Running Costs. Desirable Characteristics of a Tariff Method.-Tariff Methods: Flat Rate, Block-Rate, two-part, three –part, and power factor tariff methods and Numerical Problems
1. A Text Book on Power System Engineering by M.L.Soni, P.V.Gupta, U.S.Bhatnagar and A.Chakraborti, Dhanpat Rai & Co. Pvt. Ltd., 1999
2. Principles of Power Systems by V.K Mehta and Rohit Mehta S.CHAND& COMPANY LTD., New Delhi 2004.
1. Elements of Power Station design and practice by M.V. Deshpande, Wheeler Publishing.
2. Electrical Power Systems by C.L.Wadhawa New age International (P) Limited, Publishers 1997.
3. Electrical Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution by S.N.Singh., PHI, 2003
4. Gas turbine performance, by PP Wals, P.Fletcher, Blackwell Publisher, 2004