Electronic Circuits & Simulation Lab Syllabus

Subject Code:54603 L:0 T/P/D:3 Credits:2 Int. Marks:25 Ext. Marks:50 Total Marks:75

List of Experiments:

1) Thevenin’s, Norton’s and Maximum Power Transfer The

2) Superposition theorem and RMS value of complex wave

3) Verification of Compensation Theorem

4) Reciprocity , Millmann’s Theorems

5) Locus Diagrams of RL and RC Series Circuits

6) Series and Parallel Resonance

7) Determination of Self, Mutual Inductances and Coefficient of coupling

8) Z and Y Parameters

9) Transmission and hybrid parameters

10) Measurement of Active Power for Star and Delta connected balanced loads

11) Measurement of Reactive Power for Star and Delta connected balanced loads

12) Measurement of 3-phase Power by two Wattmeter Method for unbalanced loads

1) Simulation of DC Circuits

2) DC Transient response

3) Mesh Analysis

4) Nodal Analysis

PSPICE Software Package is necessary.

Eight experiments are to be conducted from PART-A and any Two from PART-B