Electrical Enggineering Lab Syllabus

Subject Code:54606 L:0 T/P/D:3 Credits:2 Int. Marks:25 Ext. Marks:50 Total Marks:75

List of Experiments:

1. Verification of KVL and KCL.

2. Serial and Parallel Resonance – Timing, Resonant frequency, Bandwidth and Q-factor determi

3. Time response of first order RC/RL network for periodic non-sinusoidal inputs – time constan

4. Two port network parameters – Z-Y Parameters, chain matrix and analytical verification.

5. Two port network parameters – ABCD and h- Parameters

6. Verification of Superposition and Reciprocity theorems.

7. Verification of maximum power transfer theorem. Verification on DC, and AC Excitation with Resi

8. Experimental determination of Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent circuits and verification 

9. Constant – k Low Pass Filter and High Pass Filter – Design and Test.

1.Magnetization characteristics of D.C. Shunt generator. Determination of critical field resistance.

2. Swinburne’s Test on DC shunt machine (Predetermination of efficiency of a given DC Shunt machine working as motor and generator).

3. Brake test on DC shunt motor. Determination of performance characteristics.

4. OC & SC tests on Single-phase transformer (Predetermination of efficiency and regulation at given power factors and determination of equivalent circuit).

5. Load Test on Single Phase Transformer.